A Ringing in the Ears.
The Christian’s ears have been made new to hear the glorious sound of the gospel and mighty works of God. The Christian’s eyes have been opened to behold the glory of Christ, and the Christian’s mind has been renewed to know God and all that he is.

Where have all the White-Knights gone?
When the modern woman looks along the horizon, it appears to be that Camelot has been bankrupted and robbed of her brave and shining knights. It seems that all the “good ones” are taken!

The Fall of Adam, Part 1
Where does the original sin originate? Does the first sin stem from a wrong desire? Or, does the fall happen according to the first wrong act?

Hearts of Stone
When sin entered into the world, it gave humanity a jolt, one that killed us. God though, in His divine mercy spared Adam and Eve from instant obliteration.

Cry of the Unborn
In Roe v. Wade, Justice Blackmun equivocates on the term “human life.” Equivocation is a logical fallacy (an error in right reasoning) that changed the definition of human life, without telling anyone.