Holiness As Assurance
How does holy living impact our assurances? I give three ways that living holy can help us, and others, grow more confident in our salvation.

Does God Change His Mind?
Christians need to always remember that God does not change, God’s character does not change, and his promises do not change. If Christians do not begin here, but begin from man’s vantage point, we will quickly fade into myth.

4 Ways to Prepare Students for College
There is still time to prepare your student. There is still time to equip them before they go off, only to come home with a bag full of dirty laundry and needing a home-cooked meal. From April to August, there is time to ready your student.

Students Need Expository Preaching
Students need Expository Preaching. Why? I give you three reasons in this week’s article for Student Pastors to preach Expository sermons.
Essential Spiritual Skills Students Need

Why the Reformation Matters for Students
The history of the Christian religion is rich with trial, debate, striving, and solidifying on what the Scriptures teach. It is this rich history that students in our churches need to know. Why? Because it provides a grounding for a student’s faith and it provides prospective for a student’s developing faith.

Christians Sing the Song of Hope
Because of sin, man dwells in a wrecked world, but not one without worship or song. Man sings to things, like the Kaua’i ōō that will never hear, never respond, and never arrive.

The Respect for Marriage Act - A Pastor’s Response
Whether in writing or in desire, the goal of the Defense for Marriage Act is to begin stripping away the rights of religious individuals, their places of worship, and their subsequent non-profit organizations.

Christianity on the Fringe?
The Church in her nearly two-thousand-year-long history, after the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, has typically been maligned, mistreated, shamed, and often persecuted. In fact, persecution of the Church of Jesus Christ has been the norm rather than the outlier.

Sailing Through Waves of Doubt.
The Christian must consider the great gravity of consequences should they begin to doubt that which God has revealed by his word. Is there room for doubt in the Christian’s heart? Is it sinful to doubt? The Christian must examine the Scriptures for such an answer.

A Ringing in the Ears.
The Christian’s ears have been made new to hear the glorious sound of the gospel and mighty works of God. The Christian’s eyes have been opened to behold the glory of Christ, and the Christian’s mind has been renewed to know God and all that he is.

The Mines of Moria, the Heart of Man
As the dwarves became zealous for all that glittered and gleaned, they dug too deeply – man too is just as guilty, and it led to utter destruction. What lies deep in the heart of sinful man has run amuck through every corridor and crevice.

Where have all the White-Knights gone?
When the modern woman looks along the horizon, it appears to be that Camelot has been bankrupted and robbed of her brave and shining knights. It seems that all the “good ones” are taken!

Lip-Synched Worship
Too many Christians today are lip-synching to the sounds of faith and acts of obedience, and refuse to join in the grand chorus that proclaims the greatness of God. Lip-synched worship is the act of cheapening the grace that God has given the believer by imitating and copying another’s worship.

The Fall of Adam, Part 1
Where does the original sin originate? Does the first sin stem from a wrong desire? Or, does the fall happen according to the first wrong act?

Hearts of Stone
When sin entered into the world, it gave humanity a jolt, one that killed us. God though, in His divine mercy spared Adam and Eve from instant obliteration.

Cry of the Unborn
In Roe v. Wade, Justice Blackmun equivocates on the term “human life.” Equivocation is a logical fallacy (an error in right reasoning) that changed the definition of human life, without telling anyone.

Clinging To Death.
"This is what the Lord has commanded: ‘Gather of it, each one of you, as much as he can eat. You shall each take an omer, according to the number of the persons that each of you has in his tent.’”

I Need The Cross of Christ

Come Hell or High Water
We preach, but we rarely speak about that valley. We will do anything to cover up that valley, as if we've never been through one. We will choke ourselves out by covering up the things we're going through.